It is almost time to “fall back,” as Daylight Savings Time will end on November 1st. While many love the extra hour of sleep that we get, DST has the potential to really knock your sleep cycle out of whack. Sleep has been linked to weight management in a variety of studies; the “freshman 15” has been attributed to many college students’ irregular sleep schedule for example. One of the common responses to setting the clocks back is thinking that you have an “extra” hour to stay up or sleep in. Staying up later or sleeping in an extra hour puts your circadian rhythm out of sync. Even though the fall time change is easier than the spring one, it doesn’t hurt to start your morning a little earlier to get a little bit of extra sunlight in your day. If you work non-traditional hours, try to ease into the change by progressively setting your alarm 15 minutes later in the days leading up to the change, so that you will have caught up by the 1st. Click Here To read more about DST and discover ways to make the transition to our fall and winter time routine.
Day Light Savings Time is Right Around the Corner!
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